Check Stock Level

Adhoc lookup of stock

To search for a product... Press [Search] button in the left panel. Enter any attribute of the desired product (name, number, group, manufacturer, etc.) in "Search Products" field and press [Go] to display list of found products and their inventory levels.

The Actions column provides a choice of actions for each product in the list.

To browse through entire inventory, leave the search text blank.

Customizing product search result columns

The columns displayed on product search results window can be customized.

  1. Press [Reports]. Go to the "My Reports" sub-tab. Is there already an "Inventory" report under the "My Reports" sub-tab that has the columns you would like displayed on the Product Search Results window. If yes, proceed to step 3. Otherwise, let's create a custom inventory report in step 2.
  2. Go to the "Standard Reports" sub-tab. Press the small edit button before "All Stock" inventory report. Choose the desired columns for the report and save the report. This customized report now displays under the "My Reports" sub-tab.
  3. Press [Preferences] | [Application Options]. For the "Search Results Display Template" field choose the desired inventory report.

The product search results will now display the columns from your selected inventory report.

Auditing stock level

StockQuery keeps track of each inventory transaction for every product. The current stock levels is the summation of these inventory transactions.

To audit stock level for a product, search for the product.

The Actions column in the found products list provides a choice of actions for each product in the list. Choose View Recent Transactions menu from the drop-down menu. Inventory transactions for the product are displayed in the descending order of transaction posting date.

Alternatively, to search inventory transactions posted for a product... Press [Search] button in the left panel. Enter the exact Product Number or the exact Kit Number or the exact Transaction Batch Id or a part of Transaction Note in the "Search Transactions" field and press [Go] to display the list of matching transactions.