Customize Application

Application options

Choose Preferences | Application Options. The Application Options dialog box is displayed. The following application options can be specified.

Units - Decimal Places: The number of decimal places to display for unit fields such as Physical Units.

Cost/Price Per Unit - Decimal Places: The number of decimal places to display for cost or price fields such as Std Unit Cost.

Amounts - Decimal Places: The number of decimal places to display for amount fields such as Total Cost.

Default Product Display Order: Choose either Sort by Name or Sort by Number. Determines the intial sort order of products when displaying various reports in the system. For example, if you choose Sort by Number, the displayed products are sorted by Product Number by default.

Automatically Assign Number to Products: If you don't use product numbers, you can have the system automatically assign a unique product number when adding new product.

Check Inventory Level Before Shipping: The system checks whether enough units are physically present in stock before allowing a Ship inventory transaction.

Check Inventory Level Before Allocating: The system checks whether enough units are physically present in stock before allowing an Allocate inventory transaction.

Translate (change) field labels

The display text for most fields in StockQuery can be customized (translated). In StockQuery, choose Preferences | Customize Field Names. The Customize Field Labels dialog box is displayed that allows you to enter translated labels for fields.

Field (read-only): Unique name of the field.

Default Label (read-only): Default display name of the field, if no Translated Label is specified.

Translated Label (editable): Enter your preferred field label in this column. The system will show this label instead of Default Label.