Products & Kits

Product: Add, update, delete

Add New: Press [New Product] button in the left panel.

To update or delete a product, press [Product List] button in the left panel.

Update: Locate the desired product in the list. Press the Edit icon (second icon from the left) to edit product attributes.

Delete: Locate the desired product in the list. Press the Delete icon (third icon from the left) to permanently delete the product.

Kit: Add, update, delete

To add, view, update or delete a kit, press [Kit List] button in the left panel.

Add New: Press [New Kit] button on the top, left of Kit List tab.

View: Locate the desired kit in the list. Choose [View] from the Action (first column) drop-down menu to view attributes.

Update: Locate the desired kit in the list. Choose [Edit] from the Action (first column) drop-down menu to edit kit attributes.

Delete: Locate the desired kit in the list. Choose [Delete] from the Action (first column) drop-down menu to permanently delete the kit.

Uploading products from file

In StockQuery, choose Product List | Import Products to upload product list from a file.

Product information can be uploaded from a file into your StockQuery account. The file must be an MS Excel CSV (Comma-delimited) file with certain column headings. Here is a sample product import file. You can download and update this sample file with your products and upload to your StockQuery account.

Product information upload functionality can also be used to update existing product information in your StockQuery account. If a product already exists in your StockQuery account (as identified by a matching product number), its attributes are updated with the information in the import file. Beginning balance column in the import file is ignored when updating product attributes.

Export product list to file

In StockQuery, choose Product List | Export to download your product list with balances.